Important Texts
Translated by Cortland Dahl & Andreas Kretschmar
Translations by Cortland Dahl
A Step-by-Step Meditation on the Definitive Meaning: The Great Middle Way
By Khenchen Padma Tsewang
An Outline of the Preliminary Practices
By Jamgön Mipham Rinpoche
Daily Prayers and Practices
Translated by Cortland Dahl
The Amrita of Love: A Liturgy for Saving and Ransoming the Lives of Animals
Compiled from the writings of Jamgön Mipham Rinpoche and the First Dodrupchen Rinpoche
The Chariot of Liberation: Instructions on the Preliminary Practices
Revealed by Tertön Dudjom Lingpa
The Luminous Path To Liberation: A Preliminary Practice Liturgy
Arranged by Jamgön Mipham Rinpoche
The Melody of Immortality: A Prayer for Longevity
By Jamgön Mipham Rinpoche
Sublime Path To Enlightenment: A Concise Preliminary Practice
Composed by Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo
གང་ཚེ་དངོས་དང་དངོས་མེད་དག །
བློ་ཡི་མདུན་ན་མི་གནས་པ། །
དེ་ཚེ་རྣམ་པ་གཞན་མེད་པས། །
དམིགས་པ་མེད་པར་རབ་ཏུ་ཞི། །
When the notions of real and unreal
Are absent from before the mind,
Then, there is no other possibility,
But to rest in total peace, beyond concepts.
Translations by Andreas Kretschmar
Drops of Nectar: A Commentary on the Bodhisattva-caryāvatāra According to the Words of My Mañjushri-like Teacher by Khenpo Kunzang Palden (Khenpo Kunpal) based on the teachings of Patrül Rinpoché.
Andreas Kretschmar has translated the first five chapters of the commentary of Drops of Nectar.
- Introduction by Andreas Kretschmar
- Chapter One and Commentary
- Chapter Two and Commentary
- Chapter Three and Commentary
- Chapter Four and Commentary
- Chapter Five and Commentary
- Copyright and Fair Usage Notice by Andreas Kretschmar
Please note that Khenpo Sherab Sangpo has received the personal permission of Andreas Kretschmar to post the PDFs of his translation-in-progress on our website to support our students in studying this material.