Peaceful and Wrathful Deities


The Six Root Verses of the Six Bardos

Khenpo Sherab Sangpo offered teachings on The Six Root Verses of the Six Bardos. These verses are some of the most famous sections of The Great Liberation Through Hearing in the Bardo (Bardo Tödrol Chenmo), a treasure text revealed by the fourteenth century tertön Karma Lingpa. This text offers instructions on each of the six intermediate states (bardo) and helps us to live a better life while preparing for death and beyond.


  1. Bardo of Life
  2. Bardo of Dream
  3. Bardo of Meditation
  4. Bardo of Death
  5. Bardo of Dharmatā
  6. Bardo of Becoming


Study Resources on Karma Lingpa and The Six Root Verses of the Six Bardos

See the bardo terminology on Rigpa Wiki to help you understand some of the terms used by Khenpo Sherab Sangpo in his video teachings or the glossaries of the books listed below.

There are a number of translations into English of The Great Liberation Through Hearing in the Bardo (Bardo Tödrol Chenmo). These books have sometimes been given the title of The Tibetan Book of the Dead or variations of it. This is a partial list chosen because of the inclusion of helpful study materials—such as notes, glossaries, and detailed thangka images—which make studying and practicing this treasure text easier for English speakers.



Study Resources on Dying and the Bardos


Study Resources on Bardo Tödrol Chenmo